

News hottest collection of 20 photos Amel alvi

After more crowded discussed by many people regarding suspected prostitution cases happened to him. Artist Amel Alvi continues to denial and deny that the artist was not him.  
Until now the police is still "protects" original identity AA. Even in question is also immediately released because it only as witnesses.  
No doubt, many netizens who then wondered and speculated that the artist is Amel Alvi. On the other hand through instagram account, Amel Alvi continues to argue and quibble Artist AA was not him.  
But Amel Alvi denial that seemed to be mentally after circulating Photos Artist AA at the time of arrest the police.  

From the photo it is clear that the artist initials AA is synonymous with Amel Alvi. evident from the comparison of photos during interrogation and photos on Instagram photo Alvi Amel has similarities, especially the clothes she wears. The following photo photograph the heat that is often seen more people :

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